• Question: If you could only choose to take 3 things into space with you , what specific items would you take with you ?

    Asked by Ann Onymous to Reka, Pip, Kuntal, Kate, Ajay on 9 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Reka Nagy

      Reka Nagy answered on 9 Nov 2016:

      Am I ever coming back? If not, I’d probably want some food and water so I can survive. And my boyfriend to keep me from going crazy because of loneliness!

    • Photo: Kuntal Singh

      Kuntal Singh answered on 9 Nov 2016:

      If I am coming back, then a good novel, video games and internet connection.

      If I am not coming back, then just unlimited food and oxygen.

    • Photo: Kate Elliott

      Kate Elliott answered on 10 Nov 2016:

      Lots of food! I’m awful to be around when I’m hungry. Then probably books and an internet connection, it would appear we’re all quite similar with our choices! What would you take?
