• Question: If Mars was the same distance from the sun as Earth would life be created on Mars?

    Asked by 468radg37 to Ajay, Kate, Kuntal, Pip, Reka on 5 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Reka Nagy

      Reka Nagy answered on 5 Nov 2016:

      According to my astronomy adviser, it is unlikely for this to happen. This is because of several reasons – first, that Mars does not have enough of an atmosphere, and second, it also has no magnetosphere as its core is not active – that is, there is no volcanic activity on Mars. This is bad, because the lack of magnetosphere means that there is no protection from the radiation of the Sun. Given that Earth is the only planet we know of that life developed on, and other Earth-like planets we have identified are devoid of life as far as we know, it would make it very unlikely that Mars, a planet that is less hospitable than Earth, would develop life.

    • Photo: Ajay Mishra

      Ajay Mishra answered on 5 Nov 2016:

      That’s an interesting question! If one can do this magic, the results would not be that magical. Conditions supporting life do not depend only upon the right distance from Sun but also the mass of planet and its composition. Unfortunately I cannot provide any positive answer for this curious switching of places!

    • Photo: Pip Millington

      Pip Millington answered on 7 Nov 2016:

      If Mars as it is now were the same distance from the sun as Earth, unfortunately life wouldn’t spontaneously be created in the same way as it was once on Earth for reasons that the other scientists gave below. However, it would probably be a lot easier for humans to settle on!

      A related question is what if Mars started off the same distance from the sun as the Earth. In that case the way Mars formed in the early days of the solar system would have been ever so slightly different, and if there were just the right amount of geological activity, it is possible life could be created.

    • Photo: Kuntal Singh

      Kuntal Singh answered on 7 Nov 2016:

      Interesting question and very good answers below. I will take a philosophical approach towards this question: What is life?

      Does life means humans? Or does life means the tiny bacteria that lives on the tiny particle of dirt under your nails? If life means inclusive of any living form, than possibly yes. If life means, just humans which can interact and make independent decisions, than you have the answers below.

    • Photo: Kate Elliott

      Kate Elliott answered on 9 Nov 2016:

      I think every thing has been covered here! Nice question!
