• Question: what would you do if you won the nobel prize

    Asked by LoStElex#Howarewehere to Reka on 4 Nov 2016.
    • Photo: Reka Nagy

      Reka Nagy answered on 4 Nov 2016:

      It is probably a dead giveaway that I am not destined to be an academic professor, because I’ve never daydreamed about winning the Nobel prize, so I had to think of this answer for a moment.

      If I was told that I won, I would probably first make sure they didn’t contact me by mistake. If I had legitimately won, I would first of all shake the hand of the King of Sweden when claiming my prize. Then I would probably be invited to give a lot of talks about my ground-breaking work , which is a great opportunity to travel and see the world (while someone else pays the bills!).
